Sunday, January 29, 2012

Staring into the Darkness

Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh GX
Characters: Chazz Princeton
Word Count: 209
Rating: T
Summary: Chazz takes a look at a very strange black stone.
Notes: This is one of my Lovecraftian/Cthulhu Mythos horror fics.
Disclaimer: I don’t any of the characters from Yu-Gi-Oh GX, they are all owned by Kazuki Takahashi.
He succumbed to it and kept staring at it, the odd black stone that his family procured on a trip to Providence late last summer. Chazz didn’t know it but the two foot high, one foot wide stone was calling to him, as if the stone wanted to tell Chazz all its forbidden, dark secrets.  One would think that such a stone wouldn’t be worth one’s time other than it being an oversized paperweight, but to Chazz he knew better. This stone was no damn paperweight. Not the way that it was cut. The non-Euclidean angles of this black stone were like a bad nightmare from a really bad geometry class from hell, but that wasn’t the more disturbing parts of this thing. There were carvings of hieroglyphs that Chazz had never seen before. As he dragged his fingers on the strange carving, the lights in the house went out thus causing him to cut his finger and bleed on the stone. Chazz swore he saw something starring at him from the stone, something dark and menacing.  He wanted to look away but he couldn’t help himself but stare at the thing as a thick blackness enveloped Chazz in a thick wet blanket of madness and evil.

The Crime Meme: Crow

Name: Crow Hogan
Crimes: Rape, Computer Crimes, Vandalism
Crime Descriptions
                Felony Vandalism: The use of an electric drill to deface and damage the duel runner of Jack Atlas. Causing flat tires, damage to the duel disk attachment of the duel runner, as well as spray paint of the phrase, “Jack Atlas sucks dog cock” Several times on the duelrunner.
                Felony Computer Crime: The hacking, downloading and uploading of a major computer worm in the Sector Security computers and causing a massive black out and major corporate, business and financial damage to the city of New Domino. The computer use belongs to one Jack Atlas.
                1st Degree Rape: Mr. Hogan forcibly raped one Hotaru Yuki with a gun to her head if she refused to cooperate with him. Miss. Yuki struggled and was both pistol whipped, cut by a pocket knife, as well as suffering severe cuts, lacerations, buses and a broken wrist and arm. Mr. Hogan attacked Miss. Yuki for the simple fact that she is in a relationship with Mr. Jack Atlas.

Ode to a Fictional Character

Shall I condemn thee to this fate? As a puppet on a string with no soul to live. To give you life, must I write down your life in the ink that is your blood and the paper that is your skin to give you a life of insane pariah that is for the others to slaughter at their will? If I must, I must. Then so be it, let me sign your death warrant.

If They Stop Spinning

Title: If They Stop Spinning
Genre: Horror
Word Count: 182
Rating:  K+

It was only a brief instant, a blip of a thought though coming out of a dream. Maybe I was but what did it matter I thought the more I started to wake.  So what if the electrons stop spinning, I did not care, I was in slumbered bliss until I finally awoke to find myself trap with no means of escape.  I called it a minor blessing that I was near the phone. Close enough to call for help. As I called and explained my dreaded situation as I started to feel my lungs grasping for air, I told the dispatcher my name, address and problem.  She told me to hold on. Trust me I tried as I feel my life slowly escaping me as my tomb collapse inward more and more. I wanted nothing more than this torment to end, but it felt like an eternity to my rescuers came. Nevertheless, by the time they finally saw me I was gone. Leaving nothing but a lifeless body fused with the bed and the floor as if we were one being.

Welcome Those Who Dare To Tread

Welcome to the Nihilistic Side of the Abyss. A place to read about the darker writings in my life. So sit back and enjoy.